Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 3: Overworked, Thrilled, Enthusiastic

Week 3 is coming to a close, and I am happy to say that this week I have been much better organized and this allows me to enjoy the feeling of satisfaction both from learning and from proper time management.
This week was busier than the previous two, I had to stay at the University from morning till late in the evening.
Still, I managed to complete my Wednesday task in time, and I am nearly done with the remaining ones.
Following Yuliya's advice I entered everybody's URL into the Reader, and today I was able to scan all the posts at once! What a nice solution! Thank you, Yuliya, again.
I was delighted to see that other people started posting images too. I think everyone will agree that visuals make our blogs more attractive and exciting. I have got a couple of new photos too, but I will keep them in secret until I have time to process them and write comments. First things first - now I have to reflect and summarize.
I really enjoyed the assignment of Week 3, both the oral/aural and project analysis.  I am so happy to study in such an enthusiastic team - I find it both pleasant and effective. Today (it was the first day when I had a chance to check the links) I have book marked more nice EFL resources than over a couple of years.
Most of them are "conventional" CALL sites (is this word is applicable to CALL at all),  very nice, though.
However,. there were some principally new ones, such as posting voice records online, using graphical representation of the sounds and prosody, interacting with EFL and other speakers of English teachers on-line, etc.
And I was very happy to see that there are people in our team who have been already practicing DVCs and who are interested to try them out. I hope we will stay in contact after the course is finished and will start "dating" online with our students.

I enjoyed reading a sample project and other Webskillers' comments. It is always easier to analyze somebody else's work and avoid common mistakes. I hope I will manage to look through some other projects before we start Week 4.
The only thing I have not begun yet is Delicious. Just because it is delicious I will do it at the end. I'm sure, once I start working with links there will be no end, and I wish to complete all the task, so, first things first.
Wishing all of you good night or a nice day, I am leaving you until tomorrow.


  1. Hi Valentina,
    I am glad I could help you! ;))
    Yea, and I also was hoping we could stay in touch after the course!
    You know what - I started with - now all the sites I got interested in during the week are safely bookmarked! I am looking forward for you creating your own delicious page - I am sure I would find many more interesting sites there - I feel you are very progressive and broad-minded. That's a pity you left this task till the end of the week :(
    Ready to follow you on,
    Yuliya, Kazakhstan

    1. Hi Yuliya,

      Thanks for the comment.
      Yes, I agree with you that early posting of my Delicious could have been of better use. But I had to give exams from morning till late afternoon, and then do paper work.
      But eventually I did it:

      TherŅƒ you can find the links I pasted during the discussion and some others, maybe not related to oral/aural skills, but still nice, in my perspective.

      It would be nice to get a feedback.


      Val, Belarus

    2. Val,
      'See' you on! Great job! and more 'food' for my brain now :)
