Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 3: My Delicious Links

Before going to bed early in the morning, I am publishing here the link to my Delicious page:

I hope you, my dear colleagues and friends will find something to your linking there. It wold be nice to know what and how YOU are going to use it.

I have also pasted it to our wiki and to the discussion at Nicenet.

Now, all the assignments fulfilled, I can treat myself to your delicious links too.

Happy surfing,

Val, Belarus


  1. Hi Val,
    I appreciate sharing this the delicious link with us. I'll follow it after I explore it very well.
    My delicious link is posted on the wiki, delicious page.
    Sweet dreams.
    Best regards,
    Nihmat, Lebanon

    1. Dear Nihmat,

      Thanks for your comment.
      This week seems easier for me, so I hope I will be able to check more of your links.
      I looked up the ones you posted at Nicenet and I find them great. Thanks for sharing.

      Best regards,

      Val, Belarus

  2. Dear Val,

    Thank you for sharing your delicious link with us.
    I will "follow" you definitely.
    I invite you to do the same too.
    I also invite you to my blog where I am running a poll on the best search engine and your participation is highly appreciated.
    Please don't feel shy posting a comment while there.

    Have a nice start with week 4.

    Hassan, Lebanon
